Yes. Rapport is available for both Mac and PC users. Trusteer solutions for Windows: Latest Rapport Version: 3.5.2104.61 Supported Windows Operating Systems:
- Windows 7 SP1 and above
- Windows 8, 8.1
- Windows 10 (Versions - 1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2)
- Windows 11
- Windows Server (2008 (R2), 2012 (R1 & R2) Supported Windows Browsers: (Desktop mode only)
- Internet Explorer 10
- Internet Explorer 11 on Win 7, 8.1 and 10
- Google Chrome 102, 103, 104
- Mozilla Firefox 101, 102, 103
- Mozilla Firefox ESR 78.13, 78.14, 78.15
- Mozilla Firefox ESR 91.10, 91.11, 91.12
- Microsoft Edge
- EdgeHTML 16, 17, 18
- Microsoft Edge-Chromium based 102, 103, 104
Trusteer solutions for Mac: Latest Rapport Version: 3.6.908.22 Supported Operating Systems:
- Mac OS X High Sierra (10.13)
- Mac OS X Mojave (10.14)
- Mac OS X Catalina (10.15)
- Mac OS Big Sur (11.6)
- Mac OS Monterey (12)
Supported Mac Browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox (64bit) 101, 102, 103
- Mozilla Firefox ESR (64bit) 78.13, 78.14, 78.15
- Mozilla Firefox ESR (64bit) 91.10, 91.11, 91.12
- Google Chrome 102, 103, 104
- Safari 12