Rapport comes preconfigured to protect certain websites from companies who are working directly with Trusteer to give their valued customers the best protection possible. Of course, you should have Rapport protect you on all websites where you log in or where you can read or send sensitive information. You can add Rapport protection to any website with just two clicks.
Click here to view a short demo.
Rapport makes absolutely no change to your internet browsing activity. When you browse a website in Internet Explorer or Firefox, a Rapport arrow icon appears next to the browser's address bar. When Rapport is active, the arrow icon turns green, as shown below: Rapport on When the arrow is gray, Rapport is not active. Your information may be at risk. Rapport off When Rapport identifies a security hazard, it usually neutralizes the threat without having to inform you. In a few cases where Rapport detects some level of risk, Rapport may require a Yes/No confirmation from you before neutralizing the threat.