What options are available with Business Online Banking?
Business Online Banking offers the following robust set of tools for managing your business finances. Alerts/Notifications - Receive e-mail or SMS text alerts on balances and transactions posting to your account. Quicken access - We'll bring you the ability to download your account information into Intuit Quicken® or QuickBooks®. Pending Transactions - See pending transactions such as ATM withdrawals and debit card purchases as they occur. Scheduled and/or Recurring funds transfers - Use scheduled transfers to transfer money on dates and times convenient to you on either a one-time or recurring basis. Loan payments from external accounts - Pay your Bank loans using your accounts at other financial institutions. Subject to daily transfer limits. Summary Reports - Get reports of your online activity such as login history, Online Banking preference changes and changes to security information. Online Statements - View, print or save your monthly statements. Bill Pay - Pay your bills online. Click here to learn more. Subuser access - Grant your secretary, bookkeeper or other associates access to your Business Online Banking. You control which accounts they can access and activities they can perform Direct Deposit Payroll. This service is not available with all checking accounts. Please call Customer Service or talk with one of our bankers for more information.