Ask many business leaders across the Gulf South how they feel about their business’ future and chances are they’ll reply with an optimistic thumbs-up. This promising assessment is based on the findings of a survey of business leaders recently conducted by Hancock Whitney for the 2019 Economic Pulse Report.
Economic Pulse Report
Our 2019 Economic Pulse Report is based on an online survey of Hancock Whitney business clients and prospects across the Gulf South. We invited participants to:
- Rate their optimism about the business climate for the coming year.
- Identify the challenges and opportunities they see for their business and industry in the months to come.
- Pinpoint areas where they anticipate growth and the strategies to fund that growth.
- Describe the impact that evolving technology has on their organization.
The results of this survey are intended to give businesses of all sizes an economic snapshot, as seen by their peers. Here are some of the highlights:
Business leaders are optimistic
Business leaders are fairly optimistic about 2019 and even more optimistic about their own future.

The Top Areas for Capital Investment
Executives are turning to hiring activity and technological innovation as drivers for growth. The top three areas for capital investment include:

Overall, labor and skills shortages, healthcare costs, and rising interest rates are among the biggest challenges for survey respondents. Other top concerns include cash flow, consumer spending, cybersecurity, and ongoing trade disputes.