Establishing a strong brand takes time and commitment. Combining two well-established, highly regarded brands takes research, creativity, and focus.
Our new Hancock Whitney brand stems from two names synonymous with Gulf South banking leadership since the 1800s. Uniting those legacies into one brand saluting our history, reflecting our values, and celebrating our future together required a comprehensive plan incorporating strong research.
This week we unveiled our new brand on the roadmap to officially rename the bank Hancock Whitney on May 25, a milestone 100 years in the making. We’re proud this brand honors a relationship that started between two banks in the early 20th century. It also reflects our founding ideals and paves the way to the future we share together with the people and places we serve.
What the brand means
At Hancock Whitney, we set out to create a logo that stands for who we are and where we’re going. Our brand comprises elements representing what we’re all about—our history, mission, core values, and people.
Our new logo brings those elements together in a badge symbolizing what we stand for as an institution. It’s a badge of integrity and commitment. At the center are five shapes standing for the five timeless values always guiding how we do business and the 5-star service central to how we help clients and communities succeed.
The top right arrow points up, conveying strong optimism for the future and dedication to helping people achieve their financial goals and dreams.
“Your Dream. Our Mission.” affirms our founding mission and articulates our commitment to earning client and community confidence, the reason we stay strong and can continue to grow.
While the new logo does not have a lighthouse or a clock, those symbols remain important, iconic parts of our history and will still be integral to our history and culture as well as our communities. Some of our associates have said that the new logo reminds them of certain elements of either the clock or the lighthouse, so we feel good that our logo connects well with what has built this company over time.

How we got there
Our core values are at the forefront of everything we do, including our rebranding. To ensure broad, diverse perspectives, we evaluated more than 20 potential design firms, primarily in our footprint, and commissioned full-fledged concepts from five firms that delivered more than a dozen full concepts. We narrowed those concepts down to a handful for in-depth research.
Confidential focus groups composed of clients, prospects, and associates of all ages and backgrounds across our markets gave candid feedback to help us find the one idea best resonating our brand promise, mission, purpose, and core values. The new Hancock Whitney brand you see everywhere you bank with us—from new door etchings and financial center signs to the sleeker navigation of online banking and our mobile app—is the result of over a year of work by a dedicated project team ultimately comprising representatives from every functional area of our organization.
Teamwork among the nearly 4,000 associates who make up our financial services family across six states brought our Hancock Whitney brand to life. They and the clients and communities we serve are the lifeblood of our brand and our bank. We look forward to continuing to live up to the promise embodied in Your Dream. Our Mission.