National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Tip #2: Teach your employees to recognize fraudulent emails

October 10, 2018
Kerrie Duvernay
Kerrie Duvernay

In the second installment of our National Cybersecurity Awareness Month video series, Jerry Brodnax, Senior Vice President and Treasury Services Sales Manager, reminds us about one of the most common threats that businesses of all sizes face: Business Email Compromise.

Unfortunately, small businesses and large companies regularly fall victim to this crime. We invite you to watch the video and take advantage of the whitepaper in our cybersecurity resource library to educate yourself and your associates about how to recognize email fraud and avoid becoming victims of cyberthieves.



We hope you find this information valuable, and invite you to share this with friends and colleagues in your social networks. Our goal is to arm you with the knowledge and tools to help prevent a cyberthreat. 

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This blog originally ran in October 2017 and has been updated for 2018 National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.