Cybercrime and online fraud are an epidemic beyond anything we could have imagined even a few years ago. Because the cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing, it’s important to educate yourself about online fraud and the strategies to prevent it.

Our Treasury Services team works every day to make sure we provide the most up-to-date tools to keep your business finances safe, but we also know that information is one of the most effective weapons you can use against fraud.
We are offering three complimentary Security Matters whitepapers that provide insights into the most common kinds of online fraud and ways to help prevent your business from being victimized by cyber criminals.
In Cybertheft Schemes and Banking Fraud Attacks, you’ll learn about the most common forms of cyber attacks and how to stop them:
- The #1 attack scheme targeting businesses and how to spot it
- How cyber criminals find their victims
- Techniques criminals use to get your company’s financial information
Security Matters: Fraud Defense for Your Business will show you and your staff how to arm yourselves with the information and tools to build a strong defense:
- Re-thinking your approach to cyber security and fraud prevention
- How to secure your digital processes
- Why you must educate your staff
Finally, Security Matters: Security Review Checklist lists the important steps you and your staff can take to help block fraud and cybercrime:
- Monitoring your networks and processes for ways to close gaps in your defenses
- Configuring your computer hardware and software for optimum protection
- Responding to suspicious activity
We hope you’ll find this information useful, and invite you to click below to download these important educational resources. And remember, you can always contact your Treasury Services Sales Specialist or call our Customer Support team at 1-866-594-2304 if you have any questions about cyber security and fraud prevention.
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