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Business Certificate of Deposit

Savings on your terms

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) can help your business prepare for short-term and long-term goals with guaranteed fixed-rate returns for your excess funds. With a minimum deposit of $1,000, you’ll start earning interest on the first day, with investment terms from 7 days to 7 years.

Predictable returns. Steady rates. Peace of mind

If you are able to commit to leaving your funds untouched for a specific period of time, CDs are a smart, effective way to grow your cash savings – the more you save, the more you earn.

Not sure which savings account is right for you?

Our handy side-by-side feature chart will help you compare the details.

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A $1,000 deposit is required to open the CD. An APY assumes that all interest will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. Fees could reduce earnings. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal.Federal regulations limit savings and money market accounts to six pre-authorized or electronic payments, withdrawals, or outgoing transfers per month. This includes account transfers or payments initiated by telephone, mobile banking and online banking, as well as automatic debits and transfers (such as automatic bill payments and overdraft protection services). See the Deposit Agreement or Truth in Savings Disclosure for more information.