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Maximize Cash

Put idle funds to work for you.

We can help maintain the liquidity you need while maximizing the productivity of your capital.

Investment Sweep Services

You can maximize returns on idle cash in your operating account daily. With a sweep investment service, your excess cash is automatically transferred into your selected investment.

Here's how it works: At the end of each banking day, any extra funds are swept out of your account into your choice of investments - an interest-bearing depository account or a repurchase (repo) agreement. The morning of the next business day, all of the funds – including interest – are transferred back in your checking account.

Zero Balance

Managing multiple accounts for various locations or departments can be costly and time-consuming. A Zero Balance Account (ZBA) allows you to the flexibility to consolidate funds into a single master account or distribute funds from a master account to multiple sub-accounts. Funds are managed to a predetermined target balance, minimizing excess balances while maintaining liquidity.


Start your day with the information you need to minimize borrowing and maximize investment opportunities. With controlled disbursement the bank reports to you the total amount of checks that will be presented for payment that business night. This allows you to fund your account(s) with the exact amount necessary to cover disbursements. 

Our Treasury Services Specialists are ready to work with you.

Have a Banker Contact You

Repo Sweeps are:

Funds swept from an insured deposit account to a non-deposit investment vehicle or accounts are not considered a deposit and are not insured by the FDIC. Please visit www.FDIC.gov for more information about insurance coverage.