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Digital Banking

Online Check Reordering

It's easy to order checks online.



We know that you want 24/7 access and convenience, so we are delighted to offer the latest in secure online check reordering from our checking partner, Harland Clarke. Online ordering allows you to easily place an exact reorder of your previous checks. Choose the desired number of check boxes and purchase checkbook covers, labels and organizers. Also, you can select your preferred shipping option so you can receive your check order even faster!

To reorder checks online:

  1. Make sure to have your bank account number and routing/transit number handy. You can find this at the bottom of your check or on the reorder form.

  2. Click the "Reorder checks" link below and follow the instructions.

  3. Place an exact reorder of your current checks or select a new exciting design. Then select shipping type and hit the "submit" button.

  4. The order charge is automatically debited from your account.

Need more checks? Get started now.

Re-order Checks