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Payment Keeper

Protection from the unexpected.

Throughout the lives of most Americans, automobile loans and personal loans are necessary components of our financial independence.

Unfortunately, even the best financial plans can be devastated by the loss of a job, extended illness or a death in the family.


Hancock Whitney offers a way to protect your family from the unexpected. Most of our installment loan customers are eligible for optional Payment Keeper protection. Payment Keeper protection may cancel your loan payments for a specified period of time in the event of a job loss or disability. Your outstanding loan balance may be canceled at the time of death from any cause or should you be diagnosed terminally ill.

Your family's financial security is protected with Payment Keeper and your credit rating will not suffer should you be unable to make your protected loan payments.

Payment Keeper protection is:

  • Credit Rating Protection
  • Affordable - For pennies a day you can have the peace of mind of knowing that you have reduced the risk of a financial burden to your family.
  • Easy to Qualify - There are no health questions.
  • Convenient - The fee is automatically included in your monthly payment.

Hancock Whitney offers Payment Keeper which could:

  • Cancel your entire outstanding loan balance up to $100,000 should you die of ANY cause, or become terminally ill.
  • Cancel your loan payment for up to twelve (12) months if you become disabled and can't work due to sickness, disease, or accident.
  • Cancel one loan payment if you are hospitalized for at least (2) consecutive nights.
  • Cancel your loan payments for up to six (6) months if you were to lose your job.
  • Best of all, there are NO health questions and NO physical exams.

Your purchase of Payment Keeper is optional. Protection is available to both the Primary and the Co-Borrower. Payment Keeper is not insurance. The purchase of this protection plan will not affect your application (or credit or the terms of any existing credit agreement you have with the bank). You will receive additional information before you purchase our Payment Keeper product. Should you purchase this plan, the information will include a copy of the Addendum containing the terms of the Payment Keeper protection plan. There are eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions that could prevent you from receiving benefits under Payment Keeper. Carefully read the Addendum for a full explanation of the terms of the Payment Keeper protection plan. Protection will terminate at age 71. For more information, speak to your Hancock Whitney representative.