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Virtual Card Solutions

A purchasing card solution to benefit you and your suppliers. 

Payer Direct Hub® (PDH) is a payment solution that uses “straight-through processing” as well as secure email notifications to facilitate B2B payments between buyers and suppliers through the use of a purchasing card. Buyers can remain in full control of payment timing while achieving optimal cash flow and working capital benefits. Suppliers enjoy the convenience of payments being directly deposited to their bank account along with an electronic notification of the deposit or the ability to quickly and securely retrieve payment details for processing.

PDH Benefits

  • Eliminates paper checks and check fraud

  • Minimizes card fraud

  • Real-time authorization and electronic remittance

  • Suppliers can only charge the exact amount of invoice

  • Increases DPO (Days Payable Outstanding) with faster settlement and simpler reconciliation

  • Lowers receivable processing costs for suppliers

  • Offers advanced audit controls

  • 24/7 online access


How Payer Direct Hub Works

  • Buyer sends purchase order to suppliers, then receives and approves invoice

  • Buyer sends a simple electronic payment file to PDH

  • PDH issues payment via Visa® card network

  • Supplier receives payment directly into designated bank account or secure email notification with card details to process payment

  • Buyer receives reconciliation files; supplier receives immediate notification and electronic remittance

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